Patient Portals

My OneCare

MercyOne My OneCare is an online electronic health record and patient website. To request an invitation for our portals, please send an email to If you need portal technical support, please call 888-670-9775.  Log in below and get started.

Do not use these tools for urgent medical help. In an emergency, call 911 or your doctor's office.

Clinic Patient Portal

Login Here

Portal My One CareLOGIN HERE   -- My OneCare is a free, secure electronic tool that gives you access to your hospital or clinic records at any time. 

If you are a representative (proxy) for your child or a dependent adult and need to access health information to make informed decisions, review this information to learn more.

The patient portal invitation you receive after visiting one of our facilities will never expire. Once you sign up, the portal will be available to you 24/7.

You can also use another application to access your health information, if you prefer. To do so, you will need to first set up a portal account with My OneCare. The username and password you choose will be the security component for your health information and make it possible for you to access and import it.

 Currently available for use with My OneCare:

Please note: Catholic Health Initiatives (CHI) reserves the right to disable a third-party application, if needed. That application’s terms of use will apply and CHI will not have the control or ability to secure the data you place within that system.

If you would like to gain access to the patient portal for your child or another adult, please complete the Patient Portal Proxy Request form. (Spanish version.) Proxy forms are required for parents to access records for children aged 13-17.


Hospital Patient Portal

Login Here

Portal My One CareLOGIN HERE   -- My OneCare is a free, secure electronic tool that gives you access to your hospital or clinic records at any time. 

If you are a representative (proxy) for your child or a dependent adult and need to access health information to make informed decisions, review this information to learn more.

The patient portal invitation you receive after visiting one of our facilities will never expire. Once you sign up, the portal will be available to you 24/7.

You can also use another application to access your health information, if you prefer. To do so, you will need to first set up a portal account with My OneCare. The username and password you choose will be the security component for your health information and make it possible for you to access and import it.

 Currently available for use with My OneCare:

  • Hospital - The Apple Health app

Please note: Catholic Health Initiatives (CHI) reserves the right to disable a third-party application, if needed. That application’s terms of use will apply and CHI will not have the control or ability to secure the data you place within that system.


Cancer Patient Portal

Login Here

Portal MyCancer CareLOGIN HERE   -- My CancerCare is a free, secure electronic tool that gives you access to your cancer care records at any time. 

If you are a representative (proxy) for your child or a dependent adult and need to access health information to make informed decisions, review this information to learn more.

The patient portal invitation you receive after visiting one of our facilities will never expire. Once you sign up, the portal will be available to you 24/7.

You can also use another application to access your health information, if you prefer. To do so, you will need to first set up a portal account with My OneCare. The username and password you choose will be the security component for your health information and make it possible for you to access and import it.

 Currently available for use with My OneCare:

  • Hospital - The Apple Health app

Please note: Catholic Health Initiatives (CHI) reserves the right to disable a third-party application, if needed. That application’s terms of use will apply and CHI will not have the control or ability to secure the data you place within that system.


More Portals:


Request Copy of Medical Records

MercyOne Des Moines Medical Center, Attn: Medical Records/ROI,  1111 6th Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50314

To request a copy of your medical records for MercyOne Des Moines, MercyOne West Des Moines or MercyOne clinics, follow the steps below.

1. Print the form:

2. Return completed form:

  • Hospital form:  Fax to:  515-633-3851, or mail:  Attn: Medical Records, MercyOne Des Moines Medical Center, 1111 6th Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50314
  • Clinic form: Fax to:  515-358-6996, or mail: MercyOne Central Iowa Clinics Administration, 405 SW 5th Street, Suite F, Des Moines, IA 50309

Please note -- include the patient’s signature and date of signature, located at the bottom of the form. If the patient is unable to sign, please provide the appropriate legal documentation needed to prevent any delays in retrieving records.  

Have Questions?

  • Hospital records questions, please call 515-633-3915 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Clinic records questions, please call 515-358-6918  from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

  • There is no charge for records sent directly to a provider or other health care facility for the purpose of continuing care.
  • If requesting records for personal or other use, a fee may be charged. Please contact us at the above phone numbers for more information.