MercyOne Centerville Medical Center provides a full service laboratory operating 24 hours/day, seven days a week.
We are a COLA accredited laboratory. Our services include: comprehensive blood testing, anatomic pathology services, surgical, blood, bone marrow interpretations, and consultations.
MercyOne Centerville, through cutting edge-testing procedures, plays a critical role in the process of patient diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring.
At MercyOne Laboratory, everything we do has one ultimate purpose: to help health care providers fulfill the mission of nurturing our patients, providing an atmosphere of healing ministry, bringing new life, energy, and creating healthier communities.
MercyOne’s lab is committed to influencing the health and vitality of Appanoose County, Iowa, and its surrounding rural population. We strive with great pride in saving and improving the lives of the people we serve. Our commitment will continue to be an integral component of our philosophy as a health care provider.
The main hematology analyzer is an XT2000i. The XT2000i system is a multi-parameter, automated hematology analyzer designed for diagnostic use in the laboratory. This instrument has been recently upgraded to give the physicians and visiting specialists the most up to date information about cellular structure and blood cell identification.
The Siemens Dimension XPAND is our main chemistry analyzer. It can perform more than 50 separate tests, which include the following: glucose, Bun, Creatinine, Calcium, phosphorus, uric acid, AST, ALT, CK, LDH, cholesterol, Triglycerides, total protein, Albumin, total bilirubin, D. Bilirubin, Alk Phos, Amylase Bicarbonate, sodium, potassium, and chloride as well as many therapeutic drug levels, cancer tumor markers. Our newest addition is lactic acid which helps physicians diagnose sepsis (systemic blood infection stemming from an infection) as soon as possible after you arrive at the hospital.
The Siemens Status is used for urine analysis. The instrument has a reflectance photometer that analyzes the color and intensity of the light reflected from the reagent area and displays the results in clinical units. The reagent areas test for glucose, bilirubin, ketone, specific gravity, blood, pH, protein, urobilinogen, nitrite, and leukocytes. A microscopic examination of centrifuged urine is done if indicated by the results of the reagent strip analysis.
The Sysmex Automated Blood Coagulation Analyzer CA-560 is a compact fully-automated instrument capable of 3 parameter random analysis. This instrument incorporates latest technologies as represented by microcomputers, thus increasing the flexibility. This analyzer is able to simultaneously analyze blood specimens for Protime, PTT, and quantitative D-dimer.
Immunology & Serology
Immunology at MercyOne Centerville Medical Center Laboratory includes testing for Rheumatoid factor, infectious mononucleosis, , and Beta HCG (qualitative ). We also perform antigen testing for RSV (respiratory synctial virus), influenza A and B viruses, and group A Streptococci.
Blood Bank
MercyOne provides blood and blood products for transfusion through LifeServe Blood Center. All products are tested for infectious diseases with the most current technology available to provide the safest product possible. Additional testing is done to assure compatibility with the recipient. We have the capability of handling most emergencies that might require large volumes of blood and fresh frozen plasma. Platelets are made available as needed within 6 hours.
The microbiology area of the laboratory has the capability of performing many different types of cultures. We have several different types of media and methods of incubation. The Vitek2 Compact provides uniform reading of identification panels and minimum inhibitory concentration susceptibility trays
The Pathology Department of MercyOne Centerville Medical Center’s Laboratory uses a variety of machines in the processing, embedding, and sectioning of specimens. The Tissue-Tek Vip is for processing. The Tissue-Tek Thermal console, the Tissue-Tek dispensing console, and the Tissue-Tek Cryo console are used for the embedding of tissue. The Leica microtorne is used to section the tissue. The Shandon Thermal Center 70 is used to heat the slides for staining. The Shandon Cytospin 3 is used for cell blocks, and the Tissue-Tek Cryostat is for frozen sections. Cytology, bone marrow, a variety of special stains, and slide preparation for autopsies are also done.