Don't Wait – Schedule Your Cancer Screening Now

When the COVID-19 pandemic began, the message was clear: stay home and only go out for essential needs. Haircuts, shopping trips, meals out and more were all postponed. But it now appears people were also postponing something that is essential: cancer screenings.

According to the study by the Epic Health Research Network, as the pandemic spread, appointments dropped sharply for patients being screened for breast cancer (94 percent), colon cancer (86 percent) and cervical cancer (94 percent).

"Screenings are incredibly important, and if a patient delays their screening, they could potentially miss receiving a cancer diagnosis," says Chad Kruse, regional director of the MercyOne Dubuque and Clinton Cancer Centers. "We know that the sooner cancer is detected and treated, the better the outcomes."

Delaying a screening from a mammogram to a colonoscopy could allow cancer to advance. What may have been a Stage 2 diagnosis could develop into a Stage 4 diagnosis over time, making it more difficult to successfully treat.

Safety is MercyOne's top priority, and we have taken many steps to create a safe health care environment for you and your loved ones, including:

  • COVID-19 symptom and temperature screenings for all who enter our facilities;
  • Requiring masks for clinicians, colleagues and visitors;
  • Using Social distancing in common areas;
  • Elevating cleaning protocols and increasing hand hygiene practices;
  • Designating care areas for patients who have COVID-19 or symptoms to reduce the risk of exposure

"If you have postponed your screening, it's important to reschedule your appointment as soon as possible," urges Kruse. "Cancer isn't going to wait for COVID to end, and you shouldn't wait either."

Contact your local MercyOne care location today to schedule your cancer screening or other preventive care needs.



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