B.J. Garrison is passionate about living generously and supporting children in need

B.J. was first introduced to MercyOne Children’s Hospital through his granddaughter, Blair, who received lifesaving open heart surgery when she was just a few days old from the Children’s Hospital’s pediatric cardiac care program.

Blair was recently featured as one of our 2021 MercyOne Children’s Hospital Heart Superheroes.

As a way to support other children like Blair in need, B.J. became a monthly donor to the pediatric cardiac care program at MercyOne Children’s Hospital.

“MercyOne Children’s Hospital helped my granddaughter live,” said B.J. “I want to help all the other granddaughters live.”

“What I give monthly might not seem like a lot, but it might just be enough to save a life.”

B.J. commends the Children’s Hospital for its great innovation, technology and skilled physicians and surgeons who work daily to save lives.

“MercyOne Children’s Hospital is a five-star organization,” said B.J. “Dr. Hockmuth and his team do first-class work.”

B.J. was able to increase his giving this year and hopes to continue to do so in years to come.

“When one door shuts, many times another door opens and my giving to the Children’s Hospital is one door I’ve opened, just a little bit,” said B.J. “I hope I am blessed to open that door all the way.”

B.J. is rooted in his faith and explains that is the biggest reason he gives.

“Giving is a very important thing,” said B.J. “Jesus gave his life for us and I think we should give what we can of our resources to people in need.”

He attributes the generosity he received throughout his life as another impetus for his own philanthropy.

B.J. encourages others to live generously and hopes they see the need to support the Children’s Hospital and the patients and families being served here.

“If you don’t have a lot, give a little,” said B.J. “That small gift might just be a bigger deal than you think.”

For more information on how you can support children and families in need at MercyOne Children’s Hospital and the pediatric cardiac care program, contact Sophia Ahmad at SAhmad@mercydesmoines.org or 515-643-8035.