Nutrition and Dieting

According to the American Cancer Society, approximately 1 out of 3 cancers can be attributed to lifestyle factors such as: being overweight or obese, a lack of physical activity, and poor eating habits.

The MercyOne dieticians can help minimize side effects like, poor appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, dehydration and altered tastes before, during, and/or after cancer treatments. This includes:

  • Cancer symptom management
  • Assessing your current nutrient intake
  • Making recommendations on what to eat during treatment
  • Identifying foods to avoid decreasing the chances of feeding or increasing cancer recurrence.
  • Helping you manage your treatment side effects with food modifications.
  • Answering questions about supplements
  • Helping you lose or gain weight.
  • Recommending foods to eat after treatments to reduce risk of cancer recurrence.

Do you have additional questions? Read our cancer & food FAQs.