MercyOne Dyersville Foundation
The mission of the MercyOne Dyersville Foundation is to enhance health care in the Dyersville service area by providing financial assistance to MercyOne Dyersville Medical Center, MercyOne Senior Care and Ellen Kennedy Living Center.
From the first efforts to build a hospital in Dyersville in the 1960s, the existence and success of MercyOne Dyersville has relied on community volunteerism and philanthropic giving. We are committed to making sure that community support remains strong, thereby keeping health care services in the community strong.
Our 20-member foundation board represents the communities served and oversees all aspects of the foundation.
The MercyOne Dyersville Auxiliary comes under the umbrella of the foundation. The auxiliary raises funds for equipment and program support through annual dues, the holiday festival and the hospital gift shop. Additional support for the foundation comes from estates, memorials, local organizations and individuals. The foundation board makes sure that all funds raised here will be used here.
Giving Your Gift
- Your direct gift may be made by cash, check, or credit card.
- Gifts may be made in memory of someone.
- Consider joining our Legacy Society? Members of our Legacy Society have arranged a planned gift such as an estate plan/will, stocks, bonds, real estate, insurance policies, and personal property. Call us today to learn more!
- Gifts given through Endow Iowa may qualify you for an additional Iowa tax credit.
- You may choose to designate which area your gift goes toward (for example, emergency services, MercyOne Senior Care, Ellen Kennedy Living Center) or you can let the board determine the best use of the funds.
For information, call 563-589-8772, or email