TMS Therapy

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MercyOne Des Moines offers an option for those suffering from treatment resistant major depressive disorder, which is defined by most insurance companies as failure of four or more medication trials and failure of an adequate trial of psychotherapy. 

MercyOne Des Moines Psychiatry Residency Clinic offers repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation or more commonly referred to as TMS therapy, an FDA-approved, safe and effective non-drug depression treatment for adult patients who have not satisfactorily responded to traditional medication and therapy. It provides benefits without the side effects often associated with antidepressant medication. 

How does TMS work? 

During a TMS appointment, an insulated magnetic coil is held directly against your forehead. It delivers electromagnetic pulses to the areas of the brain responsible for mood regulation. These electric currents help to stimulate nerve cells in the targeted area. 

Why should I choose NeuroStar® for my TMS treatments? 

  • NeuroStar is the #1 TMS choice of doctors. 
  • NeuroStar has the largest clinical dataset of any TMS for depression and is the only TMS with durability demonstrated over 12 months. 
  • To ensure the most accurate treatment every time, only NeuroStar has a contoured coil to fit the shape of your head and patented precision technologies. 

What Should I Expect During my TMS Treatment? 

  • You'll recline in a comfortable chair, wearing ear plugs. 
  • Your provider will place an electromagnetic coil placed against your head.
  • When the machine is turned on, you'll hear clicking sounds and feel tapping on your forehead.
  • You will remain awake and alert during the entire treatment. You may feel some scalp discomfort during the treatment and for a short time afterward.

Most patients return to their normal daily activities after each treatment including work and driving. It is important to continue all appointments with your mental health provider.

Does TMS produce any side effects? 

Common side effects of the treatment might include: 

  • Headache
  • Discomfort, or tingling of your scalp in the treatment area
  • Lightheadedness
  • Discomfort in the jaw or cheek on treatment side of your face

Rare side effects might include: 

Seizures. Seizures are more common in patients who also have epilepsy, a history of seizures or are already taking certain medicines that can trigger seizures. 

You should notify your doctor if you experience worsening depression symptoms, signs, or symptoms of suicidal behavior and/or unusual behavior. Family members and support individuals should also be aware of the need to observe their loved ones and notify their treatment provider if symptoms worsen.

You may not be a candidate for TMS if you have any of the following: 

  • Pacemaker
  • Spinal or bladder stimulator
  • Previous skull opening or head trauma
  • History of epilepsy or seizure activity
  • Presence of metallic foreign body in your chest or higher

Remission from Depression is Possible

TMS treatments have proven to be a highly effective option for medication-resistant patients suffering from Severe Major Depression.  Studies have shown that 1 in 2 patients respond with 50% reduction of their symptoms and 1 in 3 patients experience complete remission.

To find out more about TMS treatment, contact your primary care provider or call MercyOne Des Moines Psychiatry Residency Clinic at 515-643-8350.