
What is Lymphedema? 

Lymphedema is swelling of a body part (breast, arm, leg, or abdomen, etc.) caused by an abnormal accumulation of lymph fluid. There are two types of lymphedema - primary and secondary. Both types relate to lymph vessels or lymph nodes that are missing, damaged or otherwise impaired.

Primary lymphedema is due to a developmental defect of the lymph vessels and/or lymph nodes.  Secondary lymphedema is caused by damage to the lymphatic system and can appear at any age. Causes may be any number of ailments, but the more common reasons are trauma or cancer treatments including surgery or radiation.

Some individuals who have been treated for cancer and have had lymph nodes removed and/or radiation treatment may never experience symptoms, or they may begin several years later.

Signs and symptoms

  • Swelling or puffiness of a body part, often a limb
  • Heaviness or aching sensation
  • Condition gradually worsens over time
  • Increased skin or nail infections (fungus)

Lymphedema Therapy

As oncology lymphedema specialists, our therapists offer a wide range of therapies for individuals suffering from the uncomfortable and often debilitating impact of lymphedema.

  • Lymphatic education – prevention and precautions
  • Lymphedema management - including comprehensive manual Vodder massage techniques
  • Lymphatic and exercise education
  • Rehabilitation – strengthening and endurance exercises and improving range of motion
  • Scar management
  • Pain management
  • Lymphatic cord release
  • Compression bandaging and garments
  • Myofascial stretch and release techniques for tight musculature due to:
    • Radiated tissue
    • Tightness from breast expanders and implants

 The Katzmann Lymphedema Occupational Therapists are all "Pink Ribbon" certified exercise specialists. The Pink Ribbon Program is a rehabilitation program created to enhance recovery for breast cancer patients to stretch and strengthen shoulders, chest and back to achieve greater range of motion and strengthen the areas most affected by breast cancer treatment, surgery or reconstruction.

Schedule your appointment today by calling 515-222-7474.

ABC class/training

This course prepares therapists to deliver the Strength After Breast Cancer program which is an evidence-based rehabilitative exercise program for breast cancer survivors. The Strength ABC program is based on the Physical Activity and Lymphedema (PAL) Trial which assessed the safety and efficacy of slowly progressive weightlifting for breast cancer survivors with or at risk for lymphedema. The results of the PAL trial were published in the New England Journal of Medicine, JAMA, and the Journal of Clinical Oncology among other peer-reviewed scientific journals. This weightlifting intervention decreased lymphedema exacerbations by 50%; decreased the onset of lymphedema by 70% (among women with 5+ nodes removed); improved body composition, body image, and upper body symptoms; and prevented the decline in physical function that is observed to occur in breast cancer survivors. The course provides all the materials needed to set up the program in your own facility.