Educational Sessions

Weight Management

Behavior Change and Weight Loss
Learn the steps involved in behavior change and habit formation that will help you achieve your weight loss and/or nutrition goals. 

Mindful Eating 
Manage your weight through a non-diet approach. Learn to develop a healthy relationship with food through intuitive eating.

Why Am I So Hungry? 
This presentation will review the processes by which our bodies regulate hunger and fullness. It will also explain the biological reasons why we crave unhealthy foods and help participants understand how to take charge of their food choices.

Health at Every Size: Finding What Works for You! 
Discover ways to better manage your weight through simple weight-loss guidelines.

Diet and Nutrition

Added Sugars in Foods 
Find out the current recommendations for added sugars, where to find them, and the way they affect our health.

Eat Right for Life: The Family Plan 
This presentation will provide strategies and tips for employees to encourage healthy food choices in their homes.

Fad Diets 
Everyone wants a quick fix when it comes to health and weight loss.  Learn to identify a fad diet and health risks associated with following a fad diet.

Healthy Holiday Strategies 
This presentation provides tips to help avoid the added calories and pounds associated with the holiday season. 

Nutrition and Brain Health 
The food choices we make can either help or harm our brain health. This presentation reviews specific research that outlines foods to limit and include in your diet to lower risks of Alzheimer's disease and cognitive dementia.

Nutrition: Fact vs. Fiction 
Media provides an abundance of information about diet and health, which may make it difficult to differentiate between fact and fiction. Find out the truth behind common nutrition myths.

Nutrition for an Active Lifestyle 
This presentation will cover the role of carbs, proteins and fats for proper nutrition and maintaining energy levels.

Nutrition Label Reading 
Learn how to interpret food labels in order to make healthier choices.

Nutrition Trends for 2019 
This presentation will reveal the facts about emerging nutrition, diet and weight-loss trends.

Quick and Easy Healthy Meals 
Do you struggle with trying to prepare meals on a busy schedule? Learn tips and resources to help facilitate meal preparation and provide a nutritionally balanced diet.

10 Simple Nutrition Tips 
Whether your focus is on weight loss or just developing healthier eating habits, a few simple changes can make a big impact.

Sports Nutrition 
Looking to optimize your athletic performance? Learn how and when to properly fuel your body to achieve your goals.

Vitamins and Supplements 
Learn the difference between a vitamin and supplement, if it is meant for you and how to choose the right one.

Stress Management

Resilience Training 
An updated version of stress management, this presentation will help individuals identify stressors and stress triggers and how they may be effectively managed.

Mindful Technology: 10 Things Your Can Do to Reduce Screen Time and Increase Your Well-Being 
Smart phones, social media, and other digital technologies have transformed the way we live. But these often lead to information overload, increased stress and near constant distraction. Learn 10 simple tips to live more intentionally with your electronic devices.

Wellness and Motivation

Renew Your Resolutions 
Learn how to stay motivated, readjust your goals, and continue to make progress when you plateau on diet and exercise.

Setting Personal Health and Well-Being Goals 
This session will outline a strategic approach to setting and achieving your health and well-being goals. 

Understanding Your Health Report 
Presented by MercyOne Business Solutions' registered nurses and health coaches, this presentation will help participants understand and interpret the results of their annual health screening.

Ergonomic Assessments 
A physical therapist will conduct a group presentation to discuss and demonstrate proper ergonomics for your work environment. Individual assessments can also be conducted. If individual assessments are conducted, findings and recommendations will be provided.

Disease Management

10 Easy Steps to Lower Your Cholesterol 
High cholesterol is a major risk factor for stroke and heart disease. Participants will learn how high cholesterol may be controlled through specific diet modifications.

Diabetes Prevention 
Learn about common risk factors for diabetes and simple ways to help prevent diabetes.

Cancer and Nutrition 
Understand food choices that lower risk for cancer development and how they are natural medicine for the body.

Getting to the Heart of the Matter 
Learn how to reduce your risk of heart attack, stroke and diabetes through reducing your cholesterol and blood pressure.

Managing the Big Five Risk Factors 
Understand the basics how exercise, nutrition, stress, smoking and alcohol can affect your risk for heart disease and stroke. 

Tobacco Cessation

Whether it's in a group or individual session, stop smoking or using tobacco with the help of a certified tobacco treatment specialist.

Life and Safety Training

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) dramatically increases the chances of survival for a victim suffering from sudden cardiac arrest. This one-hour, informal and interactive course is designed to help you acquire the skills you will need to effectively respond in an emergency situation.

Save a Life: How to Use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) 
The AED automatically diagnoses and treats life-threatening cardiac episodes. In this one-hour interactive course, participants will learn when and how to use this popular device.

First Aid 
First aid teaches critical skills to respond to and manage an emergency in the first few minutes until emergency medical services arrive. Participants learn duties and responsibilities of first aid rescuers; first aid actions for medical emergencies, including severe choking, heart attack, and stroke; and skills for handling injury and environmental emergencies, including external bleeding, broken bones, sprains, bites and stings.

Naloxone (Narcan®) Rescue Kit Training (FREE training) 
Naloxone, a potentially lifesaving medication that can reverse the effects of a heroin or opioid overdose, is available to community members. To obtain a free rescue kits, attend this training seminar to learn when and how to administer naloxone.

Stop the Bleed (FREE training – maximum 8 per session) 
this program is designed to build national resilience in the workforce by preparing the public to save lives by raising awareness of basic actions to stop life-threatening bleeding caused by hazards including accidents and acts of violence.

Active Shooter Awareness (FREE training) 
Would you know how to react if an active shooter event occurred in your place of employment or at a public venue you frequent? The Dubuque Police Department will discuss case studies of past active shooter incidents, response options, local first responder protocols, and event recovery considerations.

Movement/Physical Fitness

Move at Your Desk/Workstation 
Participants will learn a variety of simple aerobic, strength and flexibility exercises that will get them moving throughout the day and can easily be done at a desk or workstation.

Get Active 
Learn the benefits of incorporating movement and activity into your daily lifestyle. The presenter will guide participants to identify their individual barriers to achieving daily activity and will help develop a simple plan to help get them moving on a regular basis.

No Weights/No Equipment Workout 
Participants will learn strength and cardio exercises that can be done at work or at home. Sample workouts are 15–30 minutes and can be customized for all fitness levels.

Why Cardio? 
Low intensity to high intensity cardiovascular exercise has a variety of health benefits. Learn the benefits of cardiovascular exercise, what it means to achieve your target and maximum heart rate, how to progress over time and how to do this safely.

Your Gym Is Everywhere 
By understanding and focusing on your everyday movements, learn how to maximize daily activities to realize both mental and physical benefits.

Chair Yoga 
Learn simple stretches and yoga moves right from your chair! Movements that are demonstrated will provide a strength and stretching workout from head to toe.

For more information

For information or to schedule an educational session, please email