father carrying son on his shoulders

Life gets busy with all you manage. So, it can be easy to miss an annual physical or push off going into your provider because you’re “pretty sure it’s just a cold.” But those visits are crucial to keep up with your health. Here are five health care appointments you shouldn’t miss.


Annual physicals and well-child visits

Regular checkups are essential to monitoring the development and growth of your kids and keeping track of your own health!

Here’s what you can expect at a well-child visit:

  • Physical exam
  • Immunizations and vaccinations
  • Track development, behavior and growth
  • Overall health screening
  • Talk about any concerns you or your child have

Well-child visits are especially important to keep your child on track with their vaccinations. HPV, measles, mumps, chickenpox etc. are all important immunizations to help keep your child healthy.

It’s also important for YOU to take time and check in with your provider. Adult wellness visits across all ages ensure personalized care that keep you living your healthiest life. At your wellness visit your provider will:

  • Review your overall physical, social and emotional health
  • Ensure you are up to date on vaccines
  • Address any concerns you have with your health

Find a provider for your family or location near you.


Cancer screenings

Delaying cancer screenings, like a mammogram or colonoscopy, could have a serious impact on your health.

"Screenings are incredibly important, and if a patient delays their screening, they could potentially miss receiving a cancer diagnosis," says Chad Kruse, regional director of cancer centers in Dubuque and Clinton. "We know the sooner cancer is detected and treated, the better the outcomes."

Make sure you’re up to date on these important cancer screenings:


  • Mammograms, beginning at age 40
  • Pap smear


  • Colonoscopy, beginning at age 45
  • Prostate screening, beginning at age 50

Schedule your cancer screenings or find a location near you.



New or worsening symptoms

Ignoring new or persistent symptoms, especially shortness of breath or chest pain, can be potentially dangerous. Not sure where to go for care? Find out the difference between Urgent Care and Emergency Care and which you should choose.



Chronic disease follow-ups

According to the CDC, 6 in 10 US adults have a chronic disease with 4 in 10 having two or more. Chronic diseases like heart disease, cancer, diabetes and others are best managed with a personalized plan with your provider and specialists. Missing follow-up appointments could have a dangerous effect on your health management if changes go unnoticed and untreated.


Mental and behavioral health

Postponing therapy or psychiatric appointments can lead down a slippery slope of ignoring behavioral and mental health. In fact, 1 in 5 adults in the US experience mental illness each year. At MercyOne, our experts are available for in-person appointments as well as telehealth appointments. Find a behavioral health expert near you.

If you or someone you know is considering suicide, here are some 24/7 confidential help lines that are available:

(En Español – 1-888-628-9454)


Don’t delay your health care any longer. Schedule an appointment today with your provider or find a location near you.


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