Drinking enough water is crucial to maintaining your health and can often be overlooked in your busy life. Here's four reasons why you should drink more water.

More energy

A major cause of fatigue and weakness is dehydration. Proper hydration helps maintain clear thinking and better concentration.

Healthy skin

Consuming enough water hydrates your skin, diminishes the appearance of wrinkles and flushes toxins out of your body.

Weight loss

Staying hydrated ensures that your organs work optimally. This increases metabolism, allowing you to burn more fat. Plus water has no calories!

You need it

Water allows nutrients and oxygen to travel to organs and cells. Water also regulates our body temperature, removes waste and protects joints and organs!

Best times to drink water:
  • After waking up - Two glasses help activate internal organs.
  • 30 minutes before meals - One glass helps digestion.
  • Before taking a shower - One glass helps lower blood pressure.
  • Before going to bed - One glass helps avoid heart attack and stroke.