When it comes to being sick, we’ve all heard someone say, “Don’t worry, I’m not contagious anymore.” However, they may still be spreading germs even after their symptoms pass. Understanding the different contagious periods for COVID-19, flu, cold and other viruses will help you feel confident about keeping you and your loved ones healthy!

What is a contagious period?

A contagious period is the timeframe an illness is transmittable from one person to another.

The incubation period, or time before symptoms are visible, can differ among different illnesses and affect the contagious period. During this time, it’s important to be aware of what and whom you encounter. While you may not see any symptoms, you may still be contagious. Understanding your infection and its contagious period will help you and others stay healthy.

Always remember to frequently wash your hands, keep physical distance between you and others, regularly disinfect and clean surfaces, cover your cough and sneeze and consider wearing a mask to prevent the spread of germs. face covering while in public places. Learn more on how to recognize the different symptoms of COVID-19, the flu and the common cold.

See the chart below for further information.

Think you might have COVID-19?

COVID-19 Testing