About Us

MercyOne Centerville Medical Center has served Centerville and Appanoose County for over 100 years.

The hospital, community, and healthcare have all changed radically since 1910 when the Sisters of Mercy began their ministry here. The hospital has changed physical locations twice.

Our current technologies such as surgical lasers, color flow Doppler ultrasound, C.T., MRI, laparoscopic surgery, P.E.T. scans and telemedicine existed only in the minds of science fiction writers of the day.

But with regard to healthcare in our area, there are things that haven't changed. The vision of Catherine McAuley and her Sisters of Mercy has not wavered in Centerville. Although the faces have changed and the numbers have increased, the compassion, excellence, and dedication of the doctors and hospital employees has been as constant as the daily rising of the sun.

All of us at MercyOne Centerville Medical Center are privileged to be in the position of serving in a ministry of healing. The author Julianna Casey noted that healthcare is about people who are vulnerable and anxious interacting with people who seek to alleviate suffering, to heal, and to accompany others in their struggles. In all of MercyOne Centerville Medical Center's endeavors it is our Mission to promote the well-being of people in the communities we serve by living the values that define and guide all of our actions.

We know you will find our web site information interesting. In our hospital we foster a commitment to continuous quality improvement. Please help us in that endeavor by using the e-mail connection located in the site to contact us with comments, questions, and suggestions.

Thank you for allowing us to serve you.