Follow these safety tips when planning your celebration:
Host outside or virtually
Time to get creative and host your event via Zoom or Facebook Room; or, if temperatures allow, host your Thanksgiving outdoors. Both options significantly reduce your chance of contracting COVID-19.
Some fun Zoom ideas include:
- Make it a formal event - get out your dresses and suits
- Host a scavenger hunt or a trivia contest.
- Design a festive custom Zoom background
Keep attendance numbers low
If you do host Thanksgiving in-person, it is recommended to keep numbers low at a max of 10 people.
Mask up!
Remember to bring your mask to your Thanksgiving gathering and only remove when eating or drinking.
Wash up!
Wash your hands before and after eating and continue to wash throughout the day to prevent the spread of pathogens and infections.
If you are eating during the event, keep your distance between yourself and others. Unmasking brings greater risk.
We all miss hugging – but this year, it is important to avoid physical contact, and instead, wave or verbally acknowledge each other.
Avoid signing, chanting and shouting.
Clean common areas with EPA-approved disinfectant wipes before and after the celebration.
Reference the CDC guidance for additional safety protocols to keep you and your loved ones safe.
Assess the risk of COVID-19 infection at gathering in your county >
This tool from the Georgia Institute of Technology assess the risk of getting infected during a get together by county in the U.S. based on real - time data. The risk rises with group size and location.