
As part of your care, your provider may want you to have X-rays taken to help in the diagnosis and treatment of your symptoms and /or injury. Caring, board-certified technologists staff our department 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We do our very best to get high-quality films and keep you as comfortable as possible during your exam.

  • All exams are interpreted by board-certified radiologists on staff here at MercyOne. A report is transcribed and made available to the ordering physician, who will then give the reports to the patient.
  • Some of our tests require patients to be fasting or have some type of lab test or bowel prep before testing can be completed. If your exam or procedure requires you to have some type of preparation, your physician's office or inpatient/emergency department nurse will discuss this with you.
  • We may also require you to sign consent forms for the procedure after the procedure has been explained to you.

How to contact the radiology department at MercyOne Dubuque Medical Center:

Phone: 563-589-9040 (24 hours a day, seven days a week)