Giving Clubs

Joseph and Theresa Sartori Signature Society honors those who believe so deeply in the importance of the Sartori mission that they have made provisions for planned and/or endowed gifts. Members of the Signature Society include anyone who makes a designated gift or pledge of $5,000 or more to the Endowment Fund (paid during a period not to exceed five years) or anyone who arranges for a bequest of any size, a gift of life insurance or any type of planned gift.

Members will receive special recognition with their signatures included on the Donor Wall of Honor. They will also receive invitations to foundation events and donor receptions.

Spirit of Philanthropy Club honors those whose cumulative giving has resulted in significant support for the hospital’s patients. Members include contributors of $5,000 or more. A company’s matching gifts will be included in the individual’s totals. In-kind gifts may be considered based on value. Members will also receive an invitation to the annual recognition event, and have their names placed on the Donor Wall of Honor according to their cumulative giving level:

$100,000 Humanitarian
$50,000 Founder
$25,000 Benefactor
$15,000 Visionary
$5,000 Steward

Annual Ambassadors honors all who gave in the current year. Members include anyone who makes a cash or in-kind gift. A company’s matching gifts will be included in the individual’s totals. Members who give at the Guardian level will be invited to attend the annual recognition event. Donors giving $50 or more will be recognized on a Donor Wall of Honor based on the following recognition levels:

$5,000 Steward
$1,000+ Sustainer
$500 Guardian
$250 Advocate
$100 Ambassador
$50 - $99 Caregiver