Our Urgent Care Doctors
MercyOne Urgent Care appointments are available by phone, online scheduling or by walk in. MercyOne offers convenient care in the comfort of your own home through telehealth, a virtual doctor’s appointment. Urgent care is open 7 days a week, hours are based on location. Urgent care providers are experts in treating accidents or ailments such as allergies, back pain, colds and coughs, ear or eye infections, sore throat or strains, sprains or fractures. Find a MercyOne urgent care location near you.
Wondering if you need primary, urgent or emergency care for your accident or ailment?
The Physician Directory includes information about the health care providers who have medical staff privileges at one or more MercyOne hospitals and/or participate in MercyOne’s clinically integrated network(s). The directory includes providers employed by MercyOne and in private practice. No provider has paid a fee to be included.